> Introduction > Game System > Frontier System
Make / Break up
Join / Withdraw
Holy Creature
Basic Functions
Seceding : Frontier withdrawal
Pay : Pay membership fee
Emblem : Registered emblem appear
Total : Open member list windows that show all the members Master can edit the grade or nick name of Members
Divide Elds : Divide Frontier elds to all members
Summon : Summon holy creature
Cancel : Cancel summoning
Recover : Recover the vital energy of holy creature
Register Emblem
32x32 / 32bit / JPG, TGA, BMP format. Copy such a file to the directory where 'DECO' is installed.
And type ‘/emblem filename.ext’ on the chatting window in game interface.
( Only Master can upload emblem just once. The file size should be under 4096 bytes)
Frontier Fame rate
Frontier Fame rate = sum of all the member's fame rate + holy creature's stored exp. Higher fame rate is needed to buy territory or build colony.
Frontier Ranking is ordered by fame rate.
Membership fee. Divide Frontier elds
Master weighting value 10
Major weighting value 5
Assist weighting value 1
Member weighting value 0
All the elds that master pays by to get holy creature, buy holy creature vital energy supplement and to buy territory should be Frontier elds.
After building colony, every earnings are possessed as Frontier elds.
The members who are higher grade over 'assist' can pay Frontier membership fee for Frontier elds to any amount he want. Each stored amount members paid is shown to every members.
Master can divide Frontier elds to the members over 'assist'. In this case, the elds are divide by weighting value depending on the grade of members
Community Functions
League : Extended party system only for Frontier members. The max number of party members can be30. But only the summoner of holy creature can be the leader of league.
chatting : Frontier chatting mode is enabled. The frontier chatting is sent to all the Frontier members who log on.
Messenger system : All the frontier members are registered to the 'Frontier tab' of the messenger friend list automatically.