> Introduction > Game System > Frontier System
Make / Break up
Join / Withdraw
Holy Creature
What is Frontier?
Frontier is an organization for Millena and Rain youngers to pioneer the lette plain. It's a unique community system of ‘DECO’ like guild of other games.
Frontier can be made by talking with NPC – Supreme Heart, Nad Luas. There are 2 steps – the first step is 'preparing Frontier' and the next is 'Approved Frontier'.
Make preparing Frontier
4 members should be near the NPC to make Frontier. One that should be 2nd job transferred is for the master, and the others are for major
Master should talk with the NPC like below.
About Frontier -> Make Frontier ->Make 'Preparing Frontier'
Then a window like below will be open.
Frontier Name Under 32 characters
Establishing Member 1 Master should input for himself
Establishing Member 2 Master should input for himself
Establishing Member 3 Master should input for himself
Approve Frontier
After making preparing Frontier, master and majors can invite other players to theirs Frontier. If the number of members became over 10, then the master can ask ‘Frontier Approval’. Before getting approval, most of functions such as nickname, holy creature, emblem etc, are not available.
To be approved Frontier, Master should pay 100000 elds to the NPC.
Break up preparing Frontier
If the number of members became under 4, the preparing Frontier will be broken up automatically.
Break up approved Frontier
If the number of members became under 4, the approved Frontier will be broken up automatically.